
I needed a way to post information for various endeavors, and iWeb, Google blogs, and sticky notes were getting cumbersome or obsolete. Hopefully, this site will tidy things up and be helpful to those who visit. It’s eclectic, but having everything in one place should be worth some degree of chaos. Enjoy.  - Steve

About Me

I grew up in Mount Prospect, Illinois, a northwest suburb of Chicago. I graduated from high school in 1971 and began post-secondary schooling, starting at the University of Tulsa and continuing with an undergraduate degree at UC Santa Barbara, then a teaching endorsement from Chico State University, and, finally, a master’s degree from the University of Oregon. I am a retired employee of the Davis School District in Northern Utah.

I met my wife, Dottie, at a reading instruction class in 1981, and we were married seven years later. During our extended courtship, Dottie introduced me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She tried her best to share her beliefs with me while I did my best to get her to abandon them. Thankfully, she prevailed, and we were married in 1988. That decision has made all the difference in my life. I love my wife and three children, enjoy serving in the Church, and believe that "our future is as bright as our faith." Along with family and church, my personal interests include backpacking, cross country skiing, gardening, reading, and working in my shop.

Lyman Lake, High Uintas

Yellowstone National Park