Sad News

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Our golden retriever, Belle, has been diagnosed with lymphoma. I first detected a problem following our return home from a two-week missionary assignment to Lake Lyman in late July. While petting Belle I detected some significantly swollen lymph glands in her throat. Dottie immediately made an appointment with the vet and on Tuesday, August 4, the diagnosis of cancer was tentatively made. Cancer is quite common in golden retrievers, and everything about Belle’s case seemed indicative she had a lymphoma of some variety. We decided to wait a couple of weeks to see if she would respond to an antibiotic the vet had prescribed, just in case an infection of some sort was present, but her condition deteriorated. Her breathing radically changed, and she became lethargic and spent most of her time sleeping. She lost her appetite and playfulness, and it was obvious to all of us that she was failing. We gathered home during the weekend of general conference, and we all understood that this would probably be the last time we would all be together with our dog. When Grant and Christeen left Sunday evening, things became especially sad as Dottie and I had to watch our children struggle with the sorrow of knowing they were saying their final goodbyes to their puppy. This was hard for everyone.

Wednesday, October 3, 2015

Dottie took Belle to a vet in North Ogden for a second opinion. This time we received a definitive diagnosis as well as a clearly defined treatment plan. Belle has a classic case of lymphoma and with proper treatment will live anywhere between a month to a year with relatively little change in the quality of her life. So far, the treatment plan has worked perfectly. Prednisone has significantly reduced the swelling in her lymph glands, and her energy level and appetite have all returned to normal. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Belle’s condition worsened this past week and following a day of little activity, we took her to the vet knowing it was time to say our last good byes. She passed quickly and peacefully, and, thankfully, with no pain. From our first contact with her until our last, she was a joy to all of us. We are all heart broken.