Quick Update

Saturday, June 24, 2017

      As evidenced by the huge gap between the last post and this one, time certainly does fly by. Much has happened in our family since September of 2015, but there’s no way I’ll even attempt to try and write it all down. There’s not enough time remaining in my life to do that especially considering how glacially slow I write. So, here’s a quick run down on where everyone is and what we’re doing:

  • Grant continues attending BYU-Idaho and will begin his junior year in the fall. He’s majoring in Accounting and is doing extremely well and keeping extremely busy.
  • Michael is now living in Shenzhen, China and is working as a copywriter and marketing specialist for the Valuelink Company. He’s been in China since September of 2016 and has no plans to leave anytime soon.
  • Christeen has recently moved to Salt Lake City and is considering an additional move to Portland, Oregon at the end of summer. She’s negotiating a contract to work as a piano instructor for a private school in the Portland area.
  • Dottie & Steve are now residing in South Africa where we’re serving an 18-month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We’re at the halfway point of our mission and will return home in early March of 2018. We love South Africa and the people we’re serving.