Fall 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018

I went out for an early morning walk recently and enjoyed a brisk meander through the hollow behind our home. Our city has established a green zone in this area, and a trail runs through it. I often take this trail to end my walk as it provides a measure of solitude and beauty as it winds its way along a small creek and a reservoir with mixed forest and meadows scatttered throughout. Views of the Wasatch Mountains are available along the way, and I captured the accompanying picture just as I began making my way home. Although fall is well underway in Utah, our weather here in the Salt Lake valley is still mild. In the mountains, however, it’s a different story as the first snows have arrived. Although our fall season in Utah is short, with barely enough time to get the leaves raked and everything put away for winter, it is always beautiful. Soon, the snow will come to the valley, and then I’ll have a different story to relate. It’s been two years since I’ve experienced a Utah winter, and I am ready for it.