"Off to New York"

Friday, March 4, 2022

     We’re in the last stages of sorting, organizing, and packing as we prepare to leave our home and serve a mission for our church. We’ve been called to the New York and Pennsylvania Historic Sites Mission, and we'll serve for a period of 18 months as physical facility specialists. Our primary assignment will be in Palmyra and Fayette, New York, but we also could spend some time in Harmony, Pennsylvania as well. We’ll be gardening, painting, mowing, shoveling, repairing, cleaning, and doing anything else necessary to keep the sites in working order and looking good. The events that took place at these sites have deep historical importance as they laid the foundation for all of the beliefs, teachings, and practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. These are sacred sites to us, and we are excited to serve at them. We’ll chronicle our experiences in a section of this website entitled, “NY-PA Mission,” and we’ll start posting soon. We invite you to join us as we take a small step into the unknown, trusting that God will illuminate the way. He always does.