"Mitigating Climate Chaos: Be the Change"

Sunday, September 4, 2022

I gleaned the following articles in 10 minutes of searching this afternoon. Just like a flapping butterfly in the Amazon can initiate a hurricane in the North Atlantic, we can make individual efforts to mitigate the climate crisis that’s upon us. As a whole, any individual effort may seem hopeless, but the fact that climate in now a significant talking point across the world, means we could be at a tipping point for change. No matter what we do, increasingly difficult times lie ahead, but our actions now may lessen the severity of the cataclysm that awaits. Our individual actions to forestall a climate caused dystopia may make no difference whatsoever, but doing nothing only insures the acceleration of the catastrophe unfolding around us and makes us complicit in its outcome. “Be the change” never had such important application as now. 

Pakistan Floods Are ‘A Monsoon on Steroids’, Warns UN Chief


Greenland Ice Losses Set to Raise Global Sea Levels by Nearly a Foot, New Research Shows


Two Dead as Heaviest Rainfall in 10 Years Floods Las Vegas Strip for Second Time In Weeks


An Extended Record-setting Heat Wave is Scorching the West and Many Californians are Being Asked to Turn Up Their Thermostats


Danielle is 2022′s First Atlantic Hurricane — and It’s a Strange One 


Europe’s Evaporating Rivers Wreak Havoc for Food and Energy Production Ahead of Winter


China's Extreme Drought Is Pushing the Country to Rely Even More on Coal


‘Last-chance Saloon’: Race to Wreck the Amazon as Prospect of Bolsonaro Defeat Looms


The Super-rich ‘Preppers’ Planning to Save Themselves From the Apocalypse


6 Big Findings from the IPCC 2022 Report on Climate Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
