"The MTC"

Friday, March 11, 2022 11:00 PM

     We returned home last night following a week at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah. It was an extraordinary five days of preparation for our mission with wonderful people, outstanding instruction, inspiring devotionals, and time for personal reflection.

     One highlight among many is illustrated in the photograph below. It's a copy of a mural that covers an entire wall inside of one of the buildings on campus. It depicts the Old Testament prophet, Moses, looking over the immensity of God’s creations and pondering the work he’s just been called to do. He’s to lead captive Israel out of Egypt, and Moses is struck, not only by the enormity of the task before him, but also by questions regarding his capacity to accomplish it. As you look at the image, ask yourself what Moses might have been feeling and thinking as he ponders what lies ahead and then consider it from your own perspective: What role might you play in God’s plan?  

"I have a work for thee, Moses, my son." -MOSES 1:6