"What's Hanging On Those Trees?"

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 1:15 PM

       It’s that time of year in New England when sap is running, and boilers are working at full capacity to process another season of maple syrup. A group of us ventured out to Everson’s farm, located about 10 miles outside of Palmyra, and enjoyed a brisk afternoon learning how maple syrup is produced. It’s a labor intensive process of tapping trees, collecting sap, cutting wood, stoking boilers, boiling syrup, packaging product, and running around like crazy trying to keep everything running smoothly; and all the time praying that freezing nights and warm days keep the sap running as long as possible. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup, and the total sap production from four full-grown Sugar Maple trees is needed just to make 1 quart of final product. It was a fascinating afternoon capped off by a stop at the on-site store and, of course, a round of sweet tasting goodies for all. You can imagine what we’ll be bringing home in 18 months!