"Facing the Storm"

Thursday, April 21, 2022 2:19 PM

     The wind is howling, and it’s another roller coaster weather day in New York. We began the day with clear skies and sunshine. Now, the sound of wind whistling around our windows fills our apartment, and dark clouds blanket the sky with rain about to fall. I grew up in Chicago and love variable weather. So far, that’s the norm here.

     Sister Collins and I have been married for over 34 years. During that time, like most people, we have weathered our fair share of trials: child illnesses, car wrecks, the loss of grandparents, late night trips to the emergency room, surgeries, the early death of our beloved golden retriever, and so forth. During these times of concern and sometimes great uncertainty, we’ve honored our eternal vows to each other and God, and faced whatever was before us, together. No matter what our individual differences may be, we lay those aside when difficulties strike, and like buffalo heading into a fierce winter storm, we face whatever’s before us in unity and faith; knowing that together we are far stronger than apart.

     This COVID-19 infection we’re currently facing, and, yes, I tested positive last night, is another trial for us, and it’s no fun being miserable, even if we are together. But miserable or not, we are committed to endure and know that God is mindful of us. Through the healing power of Jesus Christ—he who endured all things—we can be made whole; perhaps only for short stretches in this life, but, eventually, forever in the life to come. This is hope, and it is centered in Jesus Christ. Our unity with each other and with God is a bond that cannot be broken save we deliberately choose to break it. And that is a choice we are on guard against each and every day as turmoil, distractions, and the pulls of the world seek to lead us away from what we know and have experienced to be true.

    Thank you for reaching out to us this week and for thinking of us. Some homemade chicken soup tonight should be glad tidings to our bodies and strengthen us for the night ahead. We hope all of you are well. We will leave you with the words of one of our favorite hymns and this link to a performance of it, https://music.apple.com/us/album/make-me-whole/575299128?i=575299239. We hope you find the words and music uplifting no matter what trials you may be experiencing and that they bring you hope. It certainly is needed in these times of great unrest and uncertainty.

Make Me Whole” by Rob Gardner

Touch my eyes and bid them see

That my gaze might pierce the veil,

And behold the wondrous scene

That, in dreams, I’ve long beheld.

Oh, touch my heart and bid it know

That ev’ry sorrow here

Is but a moment’s tear,

And Thou wilt make me whole again.

Touch my ears and bid them hear

All the glory of Thy truth,

That my hope might come of faith

And no more require proof.

Oh, touch my heart and bid it know

That, while in darkness here,

The Light is ever near,

And Thou will make me whole again.

Then touch my lips and bid them sing

Songs of everlasting praise,

That my soul might then believe

And give thanks through all my days!

Oh touch my heart and bid it know

That ev’ry breath I take

Is by Thy tender grace,

And Thou wilt make me whole,

And Thou wilt make me whole,

Oh, Thou wilt make me whole again.