"One Miserable Soul"

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 7:45 PM

     Yesterday started out pretty much the same as every other day on mission. We met as a group at 7:30am to share a spiritual message, discuss the day’s projects, and then go our various ways. Sister Collins and I joined another missionary couple, Elder and Sister Staker, to help them rebuild a 600 foot section of fencing that was a mess of twisted wire, broken posts, and entangled undergrowth. The Stakers are from Northern Utah, and are farmers extraordinaire. We have become friends, and it was a good opportunity for us to be with them for the day and learn from their expertise and experience.

     Just before lunch, Sister Collins came up to me and said that she was feeling cold. It was unusual for her to say that as she is a stout soul by nature who weathers just about anything without complaint. Yes, it was a typical upstate New York blustery day when seasons change by the hour, but that’s the norm for this time of year. We’ve already experienced a fair share of those days without problem, but today was different for some reason.

     Along with the unpredictable weather this time of year, comes an almost explosive growth of greenery as trees and plants awaken from winter, seemingly all at once. Daffodils, crocuses, and an infinite variety of trees, shrubs, and grasses are budding, flowering, and sending out shoots everywhere. The waves of color now starting to sweep the land all about us also herald the start of allergy season, and that was another factor we thought might be contributing to Sister Collins’ sensitivity to the cold. Still, we had a lingering feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

     We broke for lunch and before returning to our fence project, we took Sister Collins’ temperature. Thankfully, it was normal. With that reassurance, we shrugged off the odd feelings of the morning, added another layer of clothing, and off we went to finish our blustery day on the fence line. 

     Just around 3:00pm Sister Collins came up to me again and, without any uncertainty, said she was getting sick. By the time we arrived home, her temperature had risen to just above normal. Two hours later, it was 102.6. The reason for the odd feelings we’d experienced all day became very clear. Now—chills, a runny nose, deep cough, aching muscles, cramps, a headache, nausea, and high fever all converged to make Dottie one miserable soul. 

     For over two years, we have walked the COVID-19 gauntlet without succumbing to its relentless persistense and virulence. Not this time. Sister Collins tested positive for the virus this morning, and we’re now in quarantine. Although Dottie is feeling miserable, we’re grateful she presently is not in any danger. Her vital signs are strong, her temperature has moderated, and her oxygen levels are normal. Time and rest should bring about healing. But this experience has reminded us that trials come to everyone, no one escapes. We will continue to do our very best to prepare for them—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—and be thankful, so very thankful, for every sweet moment of life we enjoy and for the hope our faith in God engenders.