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Tuesday, October 3, 2023 7:09 PM

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Gabriels, New York

We left Palmyra this morning and are now in the small town of Gabriels, NY, about 30 minutes outside of Lake Placid. We’re in the Adirondacks, and it’s great to see mountains again! Tomorrow, we’re visiting the John Brown State Historic Site and then going on a long hike in the woods. Here’s a picture off the back porch of the Airbnb we’re staying at.

Adirondack Park  

Gabriels, New York

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Gabriels, New York

Our day started with a hike on the Heaven Hill trail located just outside Lake Placid. We then drove to the John Brown State Historic Site to learn about one of our nation’s most fiery abolitionists. Unfortunately, the visitors center was closed so we changed gears and went to the Visitor Interpretive Center (VIC) at Paul Smith's College. What a jewel!! 3000 acres of bogs, marshes, ponds, mixed forests, and meadows with 25 miles of trails winding through all of it. And every step and paddle (we canoed a stream & pond) filled with brilliant colors and views of the Adirondacks. We’re off to the Joseph Smith birthplace in Sharon, Vermont, tomorrow morning.  

Heaven Hill Trail

Lake Placid, New York

Canoeing at Barnum Pond

Paul Smith’s College, New York

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Wolcott, Vermont

Our GPS tried its best to take us to Sharon, Vermont, and the Joseph Smith Birthplace along the most efficient and fastest route available. But, we held tough and followed the winding route through the Adirondacks our Airbnb host and former forester, Paul Pillis, laid out for us. Spectacular! is all we can say. The Adirondacks, Lake George, Middlebury College, the Green Mountains, the Joseph Smith Birthplace, and, finally, our arrival at a quiet, rustic farm in northern Vermont, all made for a full and enjoyable day.

Hammond Pond Trail

Adirondack Park, New York

Joseph Smith Birthplace

Sharon, Vermont

"Feel Good" Farm

Wolcott, Vermont

"Feel Good" Farm

Wolcott, Vermont

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Canaan, New York

Yesterday was our last full day in Vermont, a rainy one at that. We’ve had a great 3-day stay in this rugged and beautiful part of the country. On Friday, we drove into New Hampshire to enjoy the peak of fall color while driving the “Kancamagus” scenic byway - along with a lot of other “leaf peepers” I might add! The bright yellows that often dominate the fall season are mostly absent this year, replaced by a subtle, muted orange that brought a softer and alluring quality to our views. We enjoyed our time winding our way through the White Mountains and then stopped for a short hike before heading home. On our way back, we made one last stop at the Greenbanks Hollow Historic Site and enjoyed seeing our first covered bridge.  

On Saturday, we spent most of our afternoon driving dirt roads near Montgomery, Vermont, searching for more covered bridges. We found plenty of them and then ended our day at an early 20th century opera house to watch a play. The opera house was classic, the actors and production were outstanding, but the play itself, “The Haunting of Hill House" just wasn’t what we’d hoped for. In fact, the picture I’ve included below is far scarier than the play itself. But, scary or not, it was great to be out with the locals and support their community theater. 

Today, we concluded our stay at the rustic “Feel Good” Farm by attending church and then driving to our new boarding in Canaan, New York. It’s a beauty! We’ve got a full day planned for tomorrow so stay tuned for an update. We hope this finds you well. 

Kancamagus Scenic Byway

White Mountains, New Hampshire

Creamery Bridge

Montgomery, Vermont

Hyde Park Opera House

Hyde Park, Vermont

Canaan Airbnb Backyard View

Canaan, New York

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Westport, Massachusetts

We spent the morning and early afternoon yesterday at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and then traveled to the eastern part of the state to our next boarding in Westport. Today, we enjoyed four hours - nowhere near enough time - at the New Bedford Whaling Museum followed by fresh seafood at a restaurant overlooking the fishing fleet at the New Bedford harbor. Last, a watching of Moby Dick to bring our maritime centered day to a sweet close.

“Homecoming Marine” - Norman Rockwell Museum

Stockbridge, Massachusetts

New Bedford Whaling Museum

New Bedford, Massachusetts

New Bedford Harbor

New Bedford, Massachusetts

Monday, October 16, 2023

Troutville, Virginia

We left Westport, Massachusetts, last Wednesday and arrived in Norwalk, Connecticut, later that afternoon. Leaving the peaceful, winding roads and thick forests of the mountains was a jolt we hadn’t anticipated. One minute we were driving in tranquil bliss, the next it seemed, we were deep into the hairpin turns of Lemans with cars zipping by and drivers looking at us askance wondering what in the world was wrong with Utah drivers! We survived, thankfully.

The highlight of our stay in Norwalk was a train ride into New York City to see Dottie’s sister and husband who are serving as office missionaries in the New York City Mission. New York City? crazy, vibrant, and buzzing as ever! 

59th Floor of One Vanderbilt 

New York City, New York

We left Connecticut and New York on Friday and arrived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by mid-afternoon. There is so much to say about Gettysburg, but, for now, all I’ll write is a quote from Colonel Joshua Chamberlain, commander of the 20th Maine Regiment, at the battle of Little Roundtop. His words may touch a poignant note for all who have experience with sacred places.

“In great deeds, something abides. On great fields, something stays. Forms change and pass; bodies disappear; but spirits linger, to consecrate ground for the vision-place of souls… generations that know us not and that we know not of, heart-drawn to see where and by whom great things were suffered and done for them, shall come to this deathless field, to ponder and dream; and lo! the shadow of a mighty presence shall wrap them in its bosom, and the power of the vision pass into their souls.”

Gettysburg National Military Park

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

We left Gettysburg on Saturday and arrived in Troutville, Virginia to attend church, visit with my 99-year old Aunt Mary and family, and then make a visit to Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson.

Steve, Aunt Mary, Dottie, & Virginia

Bedford, Virginia


Charlottesville, Virginia

Friday, October 20, 2023

Baker, Louisiana

We left Virginia on Tuesday and headed for Flat Rock, North Carolina. Our drive over the Appalachian Highway through Tennessee was spectacular. We’re not in a great hurry to get anywhere these days so a day of driving winding roads through tree packed mountains with the steeples of a million Baptist churches poking up in every direction was fine with us. We eventually arrived in Flat Rock and enjoyed a wonderful visit with our great friends, Laura and Kent Sampson. 

Kent, Laura, Steve, & Dottie

Flat Rock, North Carolina

Front Entryway of the Biltmore Mansion

Ashville, North Carolina

From Flat Rock we traveled to Montgomery, Alabama, and visited the Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace & Justice. These sites provide an immersive and sobering look at America’s history of racial injustice: from slavery to mass incarceration to the terror of public lynchings. If you have any interest in exploring these aspects of our country’s history, then these sites are a “must see."

National Memorial for Peace & Justice

Montgomery, Alabama

National Memorial for Peace & Justice

Montgomery, Alabama

We left Mongomery and arrived in Baker, Louisiana today. We’ll visit several plantations in the area before leaving for Vicksburg, Mississippi, on the 22nd.   

“Caning” at the Whitney Plantation

Edgard, Louisiana

The Master’s "Big House" at Oak Alley Plantation

Edgard, Louisiana

Enslaved Quarters - Whitney Plantation

Edgard, Louisiana

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Atoka, Tennessee

We arrived in the Memphis area late yesterday afternoon following a visit to the Vicksburg National Military Park in Mississippi. Our goal today was to visit the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, but, disappointingly, that didn’t work out as the museum is closed on Tuesdays. So, we changed plans and left early for Nashville. We’ll stop there for lunch and a visit to the Belle Meade plantation before arriving at our next boarding in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. There, we’ll enjoy a visit to Mammoth Cave National Park. The weather here is hot and dry, very dry.

Vicksburg National Millitary Park

Vicksburg, Mississippi

U.S.S. Cairo - Union Ironclad

Vicksburg National Millitary Park

Vicksburg, Mississippi

Belle Meade Plantation

Nashville, Tennessee

Mammoth Cave National Park

Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Rawlins, Wyoming

We had hoped to post our last update from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, but iffy mountain weather caused us to change plans. We’ll update you from Rawlins, Wyoming, instead. Alhough it’s a lot less scenic here than Jackson, it’s dry and the roads are ice free. That’s good with us.

We left our Airbnb in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, on the 26th and drove to Chicago where we visited my twin sister, Carol, and her family. We enjoyed great company, delicious food, and the boundless energy and talents of Carol’s granddaughter, Talia. She’s a delight and a whirlwind!

Carol, Anessa, Talia, Joe, Steve, & Dottie

Chicago, Illinois

From Chicago, we traveled to Nauvoo, Illinois, a place of great historical significance in our church. We attended Sunday meetings there and then took a short walk on a stretch of the pioneer trail leading down to the Mississippi River. The weather was cold and windy, and we shivered as we looked out over the foreboding, wind whipped water. It was heart breaking to ponder what our Latter-day Saint forbears experienced when crossing this river in the winter of 1846. Mobs had forced them to leave almost everything they loved behind - their homes, their community, their temple - to travel to an unknown destination over a thousand miles away. What they didn’t leave behind, was their unflinching faith in God and their determination to honor the covenants they had made with Him. This saw them through hardships that we are hard pressed to imagine today. 

With the dark waters of the Mississippi River in front of us and the gleaming walls of the newly reconstructed Nauvoo Temple behind us, we felt a deep sense of gratitude for those who had forged this trail so many years ago. Their legacy brings a measure of hope to those who struggle today. 

Pioneer Trail

Nauvoo, Illinois

Nauvoo Temple

Nauvoo, Illinois

From Nauvoo, we traveled to Lee’s Summit, Missouri, to visit with my oldest sister, Leslie, and her family. More great company, delicious food, and time to catch up and reminisce made for a wonderful visit. 

Ray, Leslie, Steve, & Dottie

Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Layton, Utah

Traveling through Wyoming is always an adventure. Heat, cold, snow, ice, road kill, and a host of other factors always makes for an unpredictable and sometimes harrowing experience. This time we encountered high winds with warnings like this along the way, “Warning, wind gusts 60 mph+, be prepared to exit.” Fortunately, other than a few white knuckle moments passing wobbling semi trucks, we arrived home safely. Although we’re glad to sleep in our own beds again and be reunited with family and friends, our trip home was a delight. It capped an extraordinary time in our lives, and we’re thankful for every minute of it and your part in it.


Steve & Dottie

“Mission Release"

Steve, Dottie, & President Christensen

Layton, Utah