"A Winter to Remember"

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 7:03 PM

      For those of you living in the West, the record snowfall you received this winter will definitely be remembered. But for those of us living in western New York, our winter has been just the opposite. Oh, it will be remembered alright, but only because of the amount of snow we didn’t receive. This video, NY Winter Day, documents the one and only significant snowstorm that impacted us this year, and the total snowfall from that event was a meager four inches, not even enough to cover the corn stalks left over from summer. For native New Yorkers and us winter-loving transplants, it was a strange season indeed. We received plenty of rain, just no snow.

     Snow or not, life moves on, and now the first signs of spring are beginning to appear. And we certainly are glad about that. A faint tinge of green can now be seen on the willows that abound in this area, crocuses are breaking through the soil, and the songs of robbins fill the air while magnificent flocks of geese stretch across the sky overhead. The days are longer; the first humming sounds from frogs, insects, or whatever else might be awakening in the deep forests and bogs, fill the night air; and farmers are bringing their tractors out of storage and starting to plow. I’m sad my hopes for a winter of deep snow were unmet, but I’ve reconciled myself to that and am now ready for spring to fully erupt. I’m excited for the waves of color, smells, and life that will soon transform the land. There is a question, however, rumbling around in my soul: if winter was so strange, what will spring be like? This past winter has tempered my expectations so I’ll be patient and pray for the best.

     Regardless of what our spring actually turns out to be, the lengthening days and change in weather brings an excitement that is undeniable. Adding to this is the arrival of our first group of young sister missionaries. They serve with us from mid-spring to late fall and their bright smiles, boundless energy, and their enthusiasm and devotion in fulfilling their missionary callings, invigorates everyone around them. It’s a great time to be here in New York.

    Our work may be challenging at times, but we wouldn’t trade places with anybody in the world. We love what we’re doing, we love the people we serve with, and we love the opportunity to apply our faith and develop it ever deeper. We also want you to know we love you and are grateful for your support. We hope your spring is a delight and that its beauty and wonder remind you of our Father in Heaven, He who created it all. Happy Easter!