“I Just Closed My Eyes and Let It Sink In”

Thursday, September 4, 2014

     We''re 9 hours ahead of you, so right now it''s 11:00 pm at night while it''s only 2:00 pm in the afternoon your time. I''m adjusting fine to the time zone. We took a walk in the old city today... Woooow!!!! IT''S JUST LIKE I''VE ALWAYS PICTURED! - rugs hanging down, gold plates, trinkets . . . We saw a Christian group carrying a cross through one of the streets in re-enactment of Christ''s sacrifice and then went to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It''s the place where most of Christendom believes Christ was buried. Who knows I guess, but all I know is it was so sacred. We crawled through this little hole and in this 5 x 5 foot room, stood in silence. It was so spiritually thick we couldn''t talk even if we wanted to. I''ve never felt that before. I just closed my eyes and let it sink in. To think I''m going to be here 4 months! It''s too good to be true. :) Thanks for helping me come here - I''m already changed! I LOVE THIS!