"The Voices God Gave Us”

Monday, September 8, 2014

     Today we did an overview field trip, looking at Jerusalem from all 4 directions from famous sites. Our first stop was by far my favorite. It is the Augusta Victoria Tower, a Lutheran hybrid church built to also include Catholics in the area. We entered the grand chapel and sat as a class in the pews, opened our hymn books and sang, “A Mighty Fortress is our God.” Same old same old, I thought to myself, going along with the Mormon culture of hymn and prayer always at everything. However, as we sang the first line, I soon realized there was actually a reason besides just tradition to why we were singing. I watched as our teacher conducted and cut us off after only the first line leaving a long pause before the next text of the song. 

     My slight confusion was soon relieved as my ears understood. After the cut off, there was still sound! Huge sound! The most incredible echo and acoustics I have ever ever heard... The echo of our voices rang throughout, clinging to the high domed ceiling, fading into the ancient mosaics plastered on the walls. My heart stopped. My soul soared. I listened in astounded reverence as we continued, line by line, pausing after each phrase to hear the sound of the voices God gave us, ring. Halfway through, my heart had changed, and I truly was “singing praises to Him.” Needless to say, I am going back the first chance I get. I took a small recording of a few of us singing. It will probably be one of my favorite souvenirs to bring home.