“Water, Living Water To Be Exact”

Monday, September 15, 2014

     Another field trip day. A few days ago my friend Jordan asked me to give the spiritual thought in the devotional. I was excited at the opportunity because if there’s anything I’ve been practicing these past 4 years, including my mission, it’s devotionals. My “weakness in speech” is one of my greatest insecurities, and it has been my goal for the past 2 years especially as I’ve worked at the MTC to speak with the power of the Spirit. I know the power the word of God has on me when spoken by a true believer and someone who has worked hard to gain their knowledge, and I desperately want to be that kind of influence on others. The scripture in Alma 31 has always motivated me in this goal: “The preaching of the word... had a more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which happened unto them.” I had thought occasionally about what I wanted to share for the devotional in the days leading up to it but figured it wouldn’t happen until later on in the day so I’d have the time I needed to prepare on the bus. 

     As I sat preparing and thinking, the program director suddenly said that after a few words of introduction about our field trip we would have the devotional. Wait. What? Nooo.. I wasn’t ready. Oh well, these things happen! Although I was slightly disappointed I hadn’t taken the time earlier to prepare, there was nothing I could do about it now. And honestly, it’s in these weaker moments I turn to the Lord more, and therefore am able to speak more with His power. However, thank goodness for my mission and training at the MTC and honestly, my righteous desires to do a good job that the devotional actually turned out ok. In fact, it was amazing. It was almost like I was a missionary again . . . that same smoothness, that same ability to express what I am thinking clearly, and well, smoothly is the best word I can think of to describe it. 

     I wanted to do something that related to where we were going that day - to the Negev, the southern wilderness of Israel, the wilderness that the children of Israel wandered in for 40 years. The place where Lehi and his family traveled. We were also going to Be’ersheva, where Abraham built a well and lived when he received the command to sacrifice his son. So, what was the theme I picked for my devotional? Well, water, living water to be exact. I have always loved the scripture in John, “...Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again; But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” From this, I drew parallels to how important water is to us, both physically and spiritually. I walked back from the experience actually really amazed. How did that go so well? Could it be I am making progress on my goal? Am I really getting better at expressing myself?!! I really hope so. 

     The places we went to on our field trip were really great. There was this cool cistern we got to walk through. We also went to a weaving school the government has set up for the women of some nomadic tribes. The head woman who gave us a tour of the facility was so beautiful. She was beautiful on the outside, but she was also completely modest, courageous, determined, and beautiful on the inside. These are all qualities that I think come from having a very strong sense of self worth and purpose. I hope I have some of those qualities. I’ve learned it really is the inner, Christ-like qualities that are amazing and make one into an “elect lady.” Still working on that . . . but it’s so good to see the progress I’ve made.