"One Last Email"

Monday, June 22, 2015

What a ROLLER COASTER of a week it has been!!! I guess I will start out with the “downs” and then talk about the “ups” of the week:) HAHA. There have been miracles, and there has been  heartache. This Tuesday was probably one of the worst days of my mission for people dropping us. Tuesday morning, after an incredible lesson last week with “C” and ”S”, we got a text canceling our appointment with them. We found out later that day, that they are separated now.... That literally came out of nowhere! It was super hard to hear that because we love them so much and they have so much potential. Then later on that evening, we were walking up to “K’s” door. It was open, and all of a sudden it just slammed closed. When we knocked, there was no answer. Then we got a text from Ken and Kristen saying that they had decided that our message was not for them, and they needed to say “goodbye.” Rough start to a week right??? It was weird though, because through the entire ordeal, I never once got discouraged. It was frustrating and hard, because we love these people, but I just had a calm attitude and a knowledge that the Lord loved them and would take care of them. We just needed to continue working. So we did. 

This past week Elder Nibley and I had a big Zone Training that we have been working on for the past 2 weeks. We were so busy that we didn’t have much time to be discouraged about the drops. We trained our missionaries on the importance of Key Indicators, Motives, and Mission Culture. It was such a fun training to prepare and give. It was just a testimony to me of the importance of preparation. We were able to help the missionaries realize the importance of correct motives in this work. That is one thing that I would tell every missionary who is preparing to leave! There is no point in doing missionary work unless “love” and your “testimony of Jesus Christ” is your motivation.

Several miracles just came pouring in after that! I don't know if I told you last week about Brother Gates or not, but this week he went through the temple. It was so incredible. I was able to go with him and about 6 other missionaries. The temple is such a blessing!!! Every time I go, I just can't wait to go back! The peace that you feel when you enter the House of the Lord is just not found anywhere else!! It was crazy to think back to the beginning of my mission and realize how the atonement can change people’s lives. Last year, Brother Gates was a less-active member. Now he is the Elders Quorum President, holds the Melchizedec Priesthood, and is getting married in the temple, in October, to a recent convert!! Christ changes people!!!

Well, back to ”C’ and “S”! It was so sad when we got their text, but there is a light at the end of this story! Yesterday, we got a chance to meet with “C” and it was absolutely incredible. We really didn't know what we were going to do or say, so we decided to watch the new Mormon Message with him and talk about Christ. We watched it together, and it was so incredible. It fit “C’s” life perfectly. I think the most powerful moment of the visit was when I was sharing my Dad’s conversion story with him and I looked over at his little boy. Then these words just came out of my mouth, “When I look at your son, “C,” I see myself. The decisions you make now will make a big difference in your son’s life, just as the decisions my Dad made many years ago, have affected mine!" It was so powerful, and the Spirit was so strong. “C” said he felt like he wanted to just throw himself into this, but at the same time, he didn’t know if he could. It was just like 3 Nephi 14:13-14 in the Book of Mormon:

 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, which leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in there at;

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto (eternal) life, and few there be that find it.

There are many choices in our lives, but there is only one really important one: Are we going to enter the “wide gate” (the easy way of the world) or the “narrow gate,” (the way of truth)? That is why it is so important to know what is at the end of each path. I remember going backpacking with the scouts and my Dad, when he was our Bishop. There were times when I felt like, “Wow, this is hard. What in the world am I doing out here in the middle of nowhere?” And then we would reach the top of a mountain and look out over a beautiful landscape and I would be like, “Wow, I’m sure glad I kept going. This is incredible! It was all worth the effort.” That is how this life is. When all is said and done, do we want to be on the peak, looking out over the valley, or stuck down in the bottom somewhere, because we didn’t make the effort to take the harder, uphill path? I know that I have already experienced many peaks in my life and I would not give them up for anything! We were able to testify to “C” that what we were teaching him was the “way” and the answer to his frustrations. It was incredible to see his faith when he said "Alright, I am ready to do it. What is my homework?" Friends and family please pray for “C” and “S” this week!!! Specifically, pray that they might come to an understanding of what our Savior’s atonement can do for them, and why the Restoration was so important. 

One last story…We were finishing up a lesson last night at about 9:10 in an apartment complex near where we live. We were ready to call the missionaries in our zone to get their reports, and then fall into bed. As we were driving out of the complex, we saw a couple with a U-Haul struggling to unload a truck. Without even really thinking about it, we pulled over and asked if we could help! For the next hour, in our white shirts and ties, we helped the family move into an upstairs apartment!:) You should have seen how sweaty we were!! It was humid, and hot, and tiring, and absolutely wonderful!! At one point, the family we were helping thanked us and I said, "No problem. This is what life is all about!" I really believe that. I know that caring about others is why we are here on this earth!! As we are able to look outside of ourselves, we gain humility. We see people, not as players on the field of "survival of the fittest,” but as fellow brothers and sisters just trying to do what’s right and return home to our Father in Heaven. I hope and pray, that throughout my life, I can always remember these lessons that I have learned on my mission. I hope and pray that I can continue to remember that “service,” not “selfishness,” is what makes a person truly happy. I know that this is true, for as I was lifting a heavy dresser up a steep flight of stairs, I felt happier than I have ever felt before! I know that when we lose ourselves in His service, we truly find what we are all looking for - happiness!!!

On top of that, around 10 o’clock, when we were just finishing up, we heard a familiar voice calling out,” I knew those were my Elders!" It was a less-active lady we have been trying to see for like 3 months!!! I only met her once… the first week I was here, and we haven’t been able to find her home, since. We were able to set up an appointment with her right then! The Lord is in this work my dear family and friends!!! I know it and I love it! Have a great week!