Where Are We?

Saturday, September 24, 2016

All is well today. We think we finally have this driving thing figured out, and, slowly, are learning how to find our way around. We still get directions completely confused at times, and that has led to some hilarious interactions between Sister Collins and I. Here’s a memorable one: picture the two of us last Friday afternoon unknowingly taking a wrong turn onto the N2 from Port Durnford. Calmly, at first, and then with some increasing bewilderment, the two of us carried on a 20 minute conversation wondering why nothing around us was looking very familiar. We were convinced we were heading in the right direction and figured the scenery problem was just one of those “Africa” things. Only after passing through a toll booth that neither of us remembered ever passing through before, and then seeing a road sign that said we were headed to Durban did we finally figure things out. When we turned around and passed through the unknown toll booth a second time, garnering a strange look from the attendant, both of us were crying from laughing so hard. I bet half the miles we’ve put on our car so far are from wrong turns and getting lost!