A Way is Always Found

Monday, July 24, 2017

After six months of good effort, obstacles were finally overcome, and our friend, Thobani, attended church for the first time yesterday. It’s a miracle to say the least, but as with all things that are right, a way is always found to accomplish that which sometimes seems so difficult and distant.

We have been trying to find a way for Thobani to attend church since the first of the year, but his relentlessly oppressive work schedule of 25 consecutive days of 12-hour shifts has made it all but impossible. We have all been praying for some way to work around this schedule, but until now, nothing has opened up.

ThobaniFinally, a break occurred early this month when a new employee was randomly assigned to supervise the security in Thobani’s neighborhood while Thobani was temporarily moved to another area. This new employee is a conscientious worker, and Thobani quickly formed a friendship with him. They worked out a plan where they would change shifts on Saturday so Thobani could get Sunday off to attend church. The plan accomplishes this but involves a significant sacrifice. Thobani must work a 12-hour day shift on Saturday and then work another 12 hours immediately afterwards to cover the night shift. Essentially, he works 24 hours straight and then goes to church! Most people would reject this plan but not Thobani. Not only did he work 24 hours, but he then walked five and a half miles in the rain to get to the chapel and stayed for all three meetings. He loved his time at church in spite of the fact that he was wet, attendance was minimal, he was completely worn out, and everything was new to him. It is a privilege to know this man.