Pioneer Day in South Africa

Saturday, July 22, 2017

We held an activity today, under the direction of our branch council, to commemorate the day the first Latter-Day Saint pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. We began our day with a soccer game and then moved into the chapel for a talk and media presentation from Sister Collins about the sacrifices made by the early pioneers on our behalf. Following this, we moved back outside and under the direction of Elder Rasmussen and Elder Huntington, played a variety of games the early pioneers enjoyed. These included a stick pull competition for the youth and a gunny sack race and egg passing relay for the primary children. We then enjoyed a wonderful meal of curried beans, steamed bread (uJeqe), and cookies prepared by Sister Chirwa, Sister Nzama, Sister Mlondo, Elder Huntington, and Sister Collins. We concluded our day with a short video about modern day pioneers and an invitation for everyone in attendance to be pioneers in building the Lord’s kingdom in South Africa. Fifty-five people attended including 35 primary age children. We enjoyed a wonderful time together.