The Reconstruction of a Soul

Friday, February 23, 2018

Sister Pinky will be baptized on March 4. She is a prepared soul, and you can feel the testimony developing in her as she soaks in everything she’s taught. She yearns to know the truth and always asks insightful questions that result in spirit-led discussions that touch everyone who is present. Her story, like so many of the people we’ve met in South Africa, is almost unbelievable. She’s raising two beautiful grandsons (Nthando & Nkhazimulo) by herself, and every day has its share of challenges. But through it all, she moves forward in faith, grateful to have finally discovered the truth of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and for every single blessing that comes to her. She is a powerful example of what happens when the Holy Ghost is invited into a person’s heart, and, in Sister Pinky’s own words, “the reconstruction of a soul begins.”