"Travels Home"

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
We left Palmyra this morning and are now in the small town of Gabriels, NY, about 30 minutes away from Lake Placid. We’re...

"Mitigating Climate Chaos: Be the Change"

Sunday, September 4, 2022

I gleaned the following articles in 10 minutes of searching this afternoon. Just like a flapping butterfly in the Amazon can initiate a hurricane in...

"Off to New York"

Friday, March 4, 2022

We’re in the last stages of sorting, organizing, and packing as we prepare to leave our home and serve a mission for our church. We’ve been called to...

Fall 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018

I went out for an early morning walk recently and enjoyed a brisk meander through the hollow behind our home. Our city has established a green zone in...

Light the World 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017

One way to make a difference in the world is to use whatever resources we personally have available to help someone in need or improve something that...

Quick Update

Saturday, June 24, 2017

As evidenced by the huge gap between the last post and this one, time certainly does fly by. Much has happened in our family since September of 2015,...

A Night Under the Stars

Monday, September 21, 2015

Christeen and I loaded up the Ranger last Friday and drove up to the Uinta Mountains to spend a night at Lake Lyman. This is the site of a recreational...

Sad News

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Our golden retriever, Belle, has been diagnosed with lymphoma. I first detected a problem following our return home from a two-week missionary assignment...

Christeen: "Post Graduation Update"

Monday, June 1, 2015

Christeen is enjoying her post-graduation time and is busy planning the rest of her life. She’s dating, considering a move to France, and working hard...

Shoulder Update: "Light at the End of the Tunnel"

Monday, June 1, 2015

I’m at the fifth month mark of my recovery, and my healing continues to incrementally improve each day. Following the cortisone shot described in my...

Christeen Graduates from BYU!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

We celebrated Christeen’s graduation from BYU this week and enjoyed two wonderful days of ceremony, inspiring talks, reflection, and time together. Christeen...

Shoulder Update: “O Thou of Little Faith, Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?”

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My shoulder healing continues to progress, and I’ve lost all doubts about eventually enjoying a full recovery. Save for something unexpected, like a...

Shoulder Update: "Crossing the Rubicon"

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cautiously, I’m happy to report that my shoulder has passed a “Rubicon” point in its healing process. For the first time in 11 months, I can raise my...

Shoulder Update: "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back"

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Being forewarned about the slowness of shoulder surgery recovery and actually experiencing it, are two entirely different matters. Prior to surgery,...

Shoulder Update: "Slow but Sure"

Friday, February 27, 2015

I’m out of my sling now and starting to regain some range of motion and strength. I attend physical therapy twice a week, and slowly but surely, my shoulder...

Shoulder Update: "A Glimmer of Hope"

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Today marks the first day in six weeks that I’ve felt a glimmer of hope that my shoulder is actually starting to heal. Nothing is radically different...

Steve's Shoulder Injury

Saturday, December 27, 2014

One early morning in mid-May, I awoke with a sharp pain in my right shoulder and my arm contorted in a strange position above my head. I have no idea...

A Close Call

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dottie, Michael, and I returned yesterday from a Thanksgiving visit with my oldest sister, Leslie, in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Dottie and I left Monday...

Leslie & Ray Visit Utah

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My sister and her husband, Leslie and Ray Schelp, spent 5 days with us in early June. They arrived in the midst of last-minute preparations for Christeen’s...

Christeen's Senior Recital

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Christeen performed her senior piano recital on June 6, 2014 in the Madsen Recital Hall on the campus of Brigham Young University. Many family members...

BYU Women's Conference

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dottie was invited to speak at the Brigham Young University’s Women’s Conference this year. She, and another speaker spoke on the subject of building...

Valentines & Big Sky

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dottie & I took advantage of perfect weather and traveled to Big Sky, Montana for the Valentine’s weekend. We stayed in a cozy cabin on the Gallatin...